Laura Cooke
Leadership, Change and Personal Success ConsultantHelping you step into your full potential
Hi, I’m Laura
I believe we all have the right to follow our passions and achieve success. By exploring courageous leadership, setting and committing to our goals, and honoring the space for having difficult conversations, we can establish true connection at work and in our personal lives.
Featured Articles
Unlock Your Courage: Join the Brave at Work Masterclass
In today’s rapidly changing work environment, courage has become one of the most valuable traits a leader can possess. Whether you’re facing tough...
Your PEOPLE are your greatest asset – it’s time to rethink the way you lead them
In 2023, the voluntary turnover rate in Canada was 15.5%. This is the measure of employees deciding to leave organizations. Click the video below to...
2023: A Year In Review
Today I want to remind you of the importance and power of reflection. Where you are, what you’ve accomplished, and what didn’t go as planned?
Imposter Syndrome – what is it and why do we have it?
Imposter syndrome is REAL. Anytime we try to stretch outside of our comfort zone, step into new roles, or reach new goals, that voice of “who do you...
Rising From The Ashes – Lessons from the BC Wildfire
How are you doing? I hope you had an amazing summer filled with fun memories, sunshine, laughter, and levity. I had a wonderful time at our family...
Healing the Workplace – we are still coming out of trauma
While we talk plenty about being “back to normal”, our souls are still recovering from having the earth move under our feet in 2020 - recently. The...
Contact us to explore how we can help you make a difference at your organization or in your personal life.
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Our Location
We are located in Scotch Creek, British Columbia, but work with clients in any location.
Call Us
(403) 680-4977