Tired of your 9-5? Spending hours aimlessly scrolling job boards?  Looking for a career change but not sure where to start? If this sounds like you, then it might be time to hire a career coach. There are many benefits of career coaching services that can help you find the right job and put you on the path to a satisfying and rewarding career.

An experienced career coach can help you evaluate your skills, develop a career plan, and support you in your pursuit for a new career. They have the expertise to help you identify opportunities that match your interests, prepare you for your interview, and determine your worth in the job market.

What is career coaching?

Career coaching provides an individual with the guidance and support needed to reach their ultimate career goals. A career coach will work with a client to evaluate present circumstances and create action plans and objectives based on their career goals. They will help you with resume optimization, networking strategies, and interview skills. They are there to ask questions, give you guidance and help you overcome any obstacles you’re facing in your job search.

A career coach will also help you define your goals, especially if you are someone who isn’t quite sure what they’re wanting to do or what they are wanting to become. They help you define, redefine, and achieve your professional and work-related goals.

In the career coach/client relationship, the client is the one that holds the reins. The coach is there to provide insight, support, and direction to help you achieve your goals. They put you in a position to achieve those goals sooner than you would on your own.

What are the benefits of career coaching?

A career coach is essentially a second set of eyes on your career goals. They can provide you with a fresh perspective, without bias or expectations. Their tools and techniques are designed to help you take stock of who you are and what you need to do to achieve your goals. Other benefits of career coaching services:

1) They help recognize your value to employers

Do you know how much you’re really worth to your employer? What skills do you have that bring value to your company and your job? A career coach will help you assess your skills and knowledge and help you determine your value in the job market. They can help you leverage your skills to stand out from the competition.

 2) They help you plan your career for the long-term

Going from job to job without a real plan won’t help you advance your career long-term. A career coach can help you look beyond your next job to plan out the trajectory of your career and identify the necessary steps to get there.

3) They help keep you accountable

A career coach doesn’t just help you set your goals and leave you to meet them on your own. They also hold you accountable for completing them. You’ll have someone who checks in with you regularly to make sure you’re doing the right activities and sticking to the goals and objectives you’ve set out in your long-term career plan.

 4) They help you prepare for interviews

Career coaches are experts when it comes to looking for and getting a job. They know the various interviewing styles and can help you anticipate the questions interviewers are likely to ask. They can even rehearse the interview with you and help you prepare your answers. Having that experience before a big interview can help ease your mind and build your confidence for the interview process.

 5) They provide honest feedback

It can be hard to hear feedback, especially when it’s in the form of criticism, but it can be the difference between achieving your goals and staying where you are. If you are continually making the same mistakes in your job search, a career coach can provide an outside perspective and can help you correct your mistakes so you can finally get the job of your dreams.

What can you learn through career coaching?

Career coaching is not just about helping you find the right job or nail your interview, it’s also about helping you as an individual discover who you are, what you’re capable of and what you can become. Career coaches can also help you to develop:

1) Self-awareness

A career coach will help you understand yourself on a deeper level, including your values, goals, strengths, and weaknesses.

2) Growth mindset

In order to achieve those big goals, you must have a mindset to match. If you’re looking to make a big career move, having a mindset focused on growth can make a huge difference. Having a more optimistic view will also help you overcome any perceived failure or roadblocks and will allow you to see that you can build and develop your potential.

3) Personal development

A career coach doesn’t just cheer you on, they help you determine what you need to do and learn to succeed in your next career. They help you focus on what’s getting in your way, building the future you want and identifying the steps needed to get you the job you’ve always dreamed of.

4) Goal setting

When it comes to changing your career, having a goal and a step-by-step plan is a must. Your career coach can help you create a career plan that’s realistic and achievable, with the necessary steps laid out in a timely manner to help you get there. They’ll take into account your goals, values, skills, and previous experience when helping you create your plan of action.

When and why you need a coach

Having a career coach isn’t just for those looking to make big career moves or those just starting out. A career coach is a useful person to have in your corner for many different career crossroads.

 1) You’re thinking about switching careers

This might seem like the most obvious time to hire a career coach, especially if the move you’re making is a big one. Having a career coach in your corner is a valuable resource to help you navigate your job search.

 2) You’re feeling stuck

Maybe you’re in a job that no longer excites you, or maybe you’ve been passed over for a promotion or two. Maybe you started the job out of convenience and comfort but don’t enjoy what you do. This is a great time to seek out a career coach to help you evaluate your skills and determine the best career path moving forward.

 3) You’re in between jobs

The job market can be an unsteady one, especially in light of the recent pandemic. A career coach can work with you to ensure you’re making the most out of your resume and interview skills in the job market and can help identify the best opportunities for you moving forward.

 4) You need a confidence boost

Sometimes we just need someone in our corner, cheering us on. A career coach can do just that. If you’ve been searching for that dream job for some time but are coming up short, a career coach can help bolster your confidence and give you the boost you need to keep going.

 Working with a career coach to define and create a detailed plan for your future career that is tailored to your needs, desires, values, and aspirations is a transformative experience, and one that you shouldn’t turn your back on. We all need support, strategy and help to move forward and create the roadmap to a dream career.